168 Somerville Rd, Yarraville, Vic 3013

Call Us: 03 9351 7699

Childhood Immunisations

Appointments can be made with Debbie, our childhood immunisation nurse. 

Debbie is available Mondays, Thursday afternoon and Fridays.

There is no out of pocket expense for childhood immunisation consultations with Debbie.

4 year old Healthy Kids check 

Is your child turning 4?

  • The purpose of the Healthy Kids Check is to ensure every four year old in Australia has a basic health check to see if they are healthy and fit before they start school.
  • There is no out of pocket expense for this consultation. 
  • Call 03 9351 7699 to book in with our nurse Melissa

Catch Up Immunisations

Has your child or teenager missed an immunisation?

Make an appointment with Debbie to discuss a catch up schedule for you.  

Travel Vaccinations

The Western Medical Centre offers travel advice and travel vaccinations, including Yellow Fever.

Other important considerations include advice regarding malaria, other mosquito borne illnesses, food and water whilst travelling. 

For more travel medicine information click here.