168 Somerville Rd, Yarraville, Vic 3013

Call Us: 03 9351 7699


Our Services

The Western Medical Centre is a Family General Practice and is an independent association of General Practitioners. We offer a comprehensive range of medical services to patients of all ages. 


The Western Medical Centre is an accredited practice, meaning we have been recognised as providing the highest standard of quality care and service.

Each three years we are independently assessed against the Australian Health Care standards for General Practice.

We believe in ongoing quality assurance and welcome any suggestions or criticism to better improve the practice and services. 

After hours care

The Western Medical Centre provides 24 hours, 7 days a week after hours cover. If you need to contact your doctor outside of the practice's consulting hours, a locum doctor can visit you by phoning 132660.


It is the policy of The Western Medical Centre that all doctors have complete autonomy in clinical decision making in whom they refer patients to, and to which pathology and diagnostic imaging services they refer.  

Care Plans

Care Plans are available for those with chronic medical conditions,who may also require access to allied health services, such as podiatrists, physiotherapist, dietitians, diabetic educators, speech pathologists, occupations therapists. This list is not exhaustive.  

Please speak to our receptionists for more information. 

Cervical Screening (formerly Pap Smears)

Previously 2 yearly pap smears have been recommended for women between the ages of 18 and 70. 
Since December 2017 there is a new cervical screening, which is more accurate and for most women this will mean screening will be recommended every 5 years. 
Cervical screening is recommended from age 25.

However if you have any symptoms please speak to your doctor. 

Childhood Immunisations

Appointments can be made with Debbie, our childhood immunisation nurse. 

Debbie is available Monday, Thursday afternoon and Fridays. 

There is no out of pocket expense for childhood immunisation consultations with Debbie. 

  • Healthy Kids check - Are you school ready?

    • Is your child school ready? 
    • The purpose of the Healthy Kids Check is to ensure every child in Australia has a basic health check to see if they are healthy and fit before they start school
    • This check is ideally done in the 6 months prior to commencing school. 
    • There is no out of pocket expense for this consultation. 
    • Call 03 9351 7699 to book in with our nurse Julie.

Diabetes Clinic

Our nurse Melissa provides education, support and wound care for those with diabetes.

It is recommended that you see Melissa twice a year to monitor and review your diabetes in conjunction with your doctor. 

There is no out of pocket charge for consultations with Melissa.

If you require dressings for wound care there may be a charge for the dressing materials. 


In the event of an emergency the first available doctor will always deal with urgent medical problem promptly. 

​In the case of medical emergencies you may phone the practice first and we can advise you on the best course of action, however if life threatening please call for an ambulance on 000. 

Family Planning and Pregnancy

We provide comprehensive health care for people of all ages including Family Planning, Contraceptive advice, IUD insertion and removal, Implanon insertion and removal, Pregnancy, Fertility issues, Lactation and Newborn Health.  

Click here for more information

Flu Vaccine (Influenza)

Flu and pneumonia immunisations are available each year from March.

For patients who are over the age of 65 years, pregnant or have a chronic illness there is no charge for the flu vaccine.

For patients who do not qualify for the Government funded vaccination program the cost of the vaccine is $20.

We have special immunisation clinics available for flu immunisations in April and May.

Please call reception for an appointment on 03 9351 7699.  

Health Assessments

Once you are over 75 you are eligible for a free annual health assessment. This is part of the Federal Government's initiatives to improve the health care available to older Australians.

Please speak to our receptionists to book your appointment with our nurse Julie. 

There is no out of pocket expense for this consultation. 

Home Visits and Aged Care Facility Visits

Home Visits are available for regular patients of the practice who are unable to attend the surgery at their doctor's discretion. 

Visits can also be arranged for patients in local Aged Care Facilities. Please speak to reception staff in regard to fees charged.

Interpreter services

An interpreter service is available at The Western Medical Centre.

If you require an interpreter please advise our reception staff prior to your appointment.

Men's Health

Checkup, Preventive health care, Screening tests, Risk assessments, Skin checks, Prostate checks, Chronic disease management.

Medical Certificates

Medical certificates for work or school are required on the day of your illness. Medical certificates cannot be organised over the phone unless a consultation with the Doctor has already taken place.

Minor Surgery

Minor surgery available at The Western Medical Centre includes mole removal, skin biopsies, suturing, removal of sutures, wound care, insertion and/or removal of implanon and ingrown toenail repair. 

Nursing on-site at The Western Medical Centre

Our nursing staff are Debbie and Melissa.
Current patients of our practice can make an appointment with a nurse by telephoning the surgery or book online. 
All new patients are required to see a Doctor on their first visit, which can then be followed with one of our nurses.  

In addition to assisting the Doctors of The Western Medical Centre our team of nurses also provide the following Nurse Consultations: 

  • Childhood and Adult immunisations
  • Healthy kids check - Are you school ready?
  • Health assessments (Over 75)
  • Diabetic Health checks 
  • Wound care, wound management
  • Dressings
  • Travel vaccinations
  • Injections such as B12
  • Desensitisation injections


Melbourne Pathology service is available at 204 Williamstown Road, Yarraville adjacent to The Western Medical Centre.

Operating hours are Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.30pm and Saturday 8.30am to 11.30am.

Appointments are not necessary.

Other pathology providers are available in nearby suburbs. 

Personal Health Data

Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.

Please inform our reception if your personal information changes e.g. change of address, phone numbers, court documentation to advise any child custody arrangements etc.  Authority is only available to authorised members of staff in the normal course of their duties. Legally, if a child is greater than 16 years, then details of their results cannot be disclosed to the parent without the patient's consent which should be recorded in the clinical notes.

Pregnancy and Family Planning

Click here for more information

Maternity Shared Care Doctors at The Western Medical Centre are: 

Dr Gretel Heitbaum 
Dr Jessica Wrigley

​Dr Katherine Ramsay

Dr Claire Mahoney


The first antenatal visit is quite complex and we kindly request that you book a double appointment (30mins).

Following the birth of your baby, the mother’s post natal care and the care of your newborn baby can be handled by your family GP at The Western Medical Centre.

A six week post natal check up needs to be booked in advance as a double appointment (30mins). It includes both mother and child. If you would like your newborn child to have their 6 week immunisation at the time of this visit please advise our receptionist at the time of booking. 

For an Appointment please call 03 9351 7699

Prescriptions and Referrals

We request that you make an appointment when repeat prescriptions and referrals are required. We believe that repeat medication requires an appointment to review the ongoing need for the medication and its appropriateness to your medical condition.   Our interest for your well-being is our paramount concern.  

Recalls and Reminders

This practice uses a “Recall and Reminder” system to provide care to patients. This will assist in ensuring that important health checks are not forgotten and are performed on time.  You will be reminded when it is time to visit your doctor for a check up or as a follow up to health risks that have previously been found.  The reminder system will include check ups to help in the prevention or early detection of certain conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and forms of cancer and immunisation follow up.  In some cases, the reminders can also be sent from other places, e.g. the government cervical screening (PAP smear) register.  Even when you agree to be included in the Recall and Reminder system, you should remember when you should be tested for certain conditions and should always contact your doctor to get results of a test that has been performed.

Please discuss with your doctor any concern you have or if you do not wish to participate in this Recall and Reminder system.  

Reception Staff 

Our Reception staff are Michelle, Vanda, Emily, Alexa and Zoi. 

Skin checks

Full skin checks are available from your Doctor. 

Telephoning your doctor

You can contact your doctor by telephone during normal surgery hours. A message will be taken when your doctor is consulting with another patient. 

Of course, in an emergency calls will be put straight through. 

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Travel Vaccinations 

The Western Medical Centre offers travel advice and travel vaccinations including Yellow Fever.

If possible, please bring your travel itinerary to your appointment. 

Other important considerations include advice regarding malaria, other mosquito borne illnesses, food and water whilst travelling. 

For more travel medicine information click here.

Waiting Room

Our waiting rooms are furnished to allow ease of sitting, however to ensure your safety and the safety of others please keep a 1.5m distance and please wear a mask at all times. 

In the interests of your health and that of fellow patients and our staff smoking is prohibited on our premises. 

Women's Health 

We provide a comprehensive Women's Health Service. 

Dr Gretel Heitbaum specialises in Women's Health and has many years experience in this area. This doctor has completed a Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 

Consultations may include Menopause, Breast care, Mammograms, Cervical screening (formerly Pap smears), STI checks, Contraceptive advice, Implanon insertion and removal, IUD insertion and removal and Pregnancy among other areas. 

This is done in the context of all your health needs which we are also as you would expect happy to care for. 

Checkups, Preventive health care, Screening tests, Risk assessments, Skin checks, Chronic disease management are part of this.

Click here for more information

Xray and Imaging

Xray and other imaging are available nearby in Footscray or Williamstown. 

Your results for most tests are sent electronically to your doctor within 48 hours after the radiological exam, usually sooner.

Your Doctor would have discussed with you your planned followup.